Saturday 23 June 2012

LC 01

POM stands for Principles of Management.

On 20th june 2012 , I attended the first session on POM in National Institute Of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India. I was expecting that the Professor Mandi  will start the session with Fedrick Taylor's Scientific Management but it started with the iconic song " Another brick in the wall" by Pink Floyd. I soon realised that I'm going to be a part of something special. The first concept that I learnt was in the form of slogan, " Socho Becho, Becho Sikho, Sikho Socho".  He told us that in order to learn the basics of management one needs to go out of the class room. He was determine to install the feeling of entrepreneurship in each of us. He told us to earn our own bread right from the first day in the college.  He laid emphasis on " Aaj ki roti, Aaj hi kamana". I was astonished because here was the professor who was talking about entrepreneurship , leadership at the very first session while I was up to something else.  It was the one of the most inspirational session  I attended after very long time.